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Nomad-only Dialogue Space (online)

Online workshop and dialogue space exploring this year’s festival theme - Custodians: Keepers of Culture. Facilitated by Catherine Joyce, this event is reserved exclusively for members of nomadic communities.

This space is created to increase participation and input from nomadic voices. Facilitated by Catherine Joyce, a Traveller woman and advocate for Traveller Human Rights, this event is exclusively for members of nomadic communities. Your contributions will also feed into our Friday event, “Custodianship of our Stories on Screen.”

This year’s theme, “Custodians - Keepers of Culture,” celebrates the guardians of music, song, dance, stories, skills, and knowledge within the nomadic tradition. We will explore cultural rights, repatriation of cultural materials, and reclaiming narratives.

We value your contribution.

RSVP online here.

Email for more information.

23 September

Crown Beoir + Crown Lackeen (Exhibition)

26 September

Art on the Road: Textiles + Tinsmithing (Exhibition)